Jan 23, 2019

Pravni saveti - Porez na prenos apsolutnih prava u slučaju kupovine vozila na licitaciji

Porez na prenos apsolutnih prava u slučaju kupovine vozila na javnoj prodaji (licitaciji) se naplaćuje u iznosu od 2,5%  shodno članu 24. Zakona o imovini.

Poreski obveznik je prema član 25. Zakona o imovini u ovom slučaju kupac za razliku od klasične kupoprodaje vozila gde je po Zakonu o imovini poreski obveznik prodavac, iako često u praksi taj porez shodno kuopoprodajnom ugovoru pada na teret kupca.

Kada je u pitanju visina poreza na prenos apsolutnih prava u slučaju kupovine vozilana licitaciji, isti zavisi od toga kako će konkretni slučaj posmatrati poreska služba ali se najčešće uzima kataloška vrednost vozila naravno ako je ona veća od postignute cene na licitaciji.

Nadamo se da smo vam bili od pomoći.

Pravni tim "Budi u pravu"


  1. Hacking is very much easy as it is done in the movies we watch, Hackers are really able to do all those stuffs we see, like breaking into a 💻 network to gain access to certain files, to steal those file, monitor users actives, delete files and lots more.

    Hacking is easily done by the use of specific programs (Computer virus, Spywares, Trojans, Malwares) to gain access and control over a 💻 and Cell 📲 . These programs are designed to break into computer defense without users even knowing it.

    COPE TECHS is an organization you can trust and contact if you need Hacking services. Our aim is not to help individuals who have technological problems and not for Thefts purposes. We guarantee you a 💯 % assurance of our job and for no reason will our work for you be exposed to someone else. Prove of our works in the past will be show to you but please note that the individuals we did them for won’t be disclosed to you.

    There is no limits to what we can do for you but we have a restriction in things we can do. For no reason will we help you in Robbery or Stealing if someone’s else belongings and properties, please put that in mind.
    Here is a list of our Approved services-:
    *Hacking of Phones 📱 or Computer 💻 for the purpose of monitoring Emails📧, Text messages✉️, Phone calls📞, Social Media Chats💝, if suspected your spouse is cheating or doing something you not okay with.
    *Repayments of Debts💵 to Banks and other Loan Companies, Yes with the help of Bitcoin💰 mining we have helped so many individuals repay debts.
    *Changing of University Grades for students🗞, we can help with this because we know how hard studying can be and we all know that without good grades individuals are limited to the kind of job they can secure. and lots more.
    If you don’t seem to find a Service you need feel free to ask us and if it’s not against our rules we will help you with it. Contacts is made only by email this helps us stay safe and untraceable.

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